
Even the Lint Cries Out.

I'm doing about 57 loads of laundry today. I just pulled out a load from the dryer, and noticed that the lint in the trap is sparkly. Even the dryer lint is excited about getting children! (It's sparkly because of a couple of shirts I bought Yordanos yesterday.) Gosh, I hope she wants to be a girly girl because does she ever has CUTE clothes now!

Is that what having children is like... a wonderful life where even the lint is happier? No raining on my parade, please. :)

And it's dumb, but that sparkly lint made my heart swell with love for our children who we will meet next week!


Jori said...

I have 2 girls right now and so I am with you "I love sparkly lint" :):) How could you not? Very excitted to be seeing pictures of you ALL together next week!! YEA! Can you belive it?!
Blessings, Jori

ABG said...

YES! The first laundry for Josh was this huge load of preemie clothes and I felt like the queen of the universe pulling them out of the dryer and trying to figure out how to fold them and be "a mom." :)

Here's to lots of sparkly lint in the years to come!

Katherine said...

yes, your lint will be sparkly. So will many other things! Hint: be very wary of the little sparkles that come in tubes for crafts... THOSE sparklies will get EVERYWHERE!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Chris!!! You are so darn cute!!! :) I just read about the lint and LOVE it!!!! I have felt the same way about some other little things connected with our baby boy (though we don't know him yet! :D) and it just makes my heart swell with love!!! So I'm right there with you and must be crazy then too, because yes! "Even the Lint Cries Out!!!" :)
We are so happy for you guys and can't wait to "stalk" your blog once you get to ET! :)
Praying for you,
Amy (& Dietrich) Lusse (awaa :D)