SO... with smoke pouring out of my oven and all my baking sheets now covered with wax, I have to say !@#*&@*&$^*^%&^@%#&$*&* to you, stupid cookbook, and the horse you rode in on. Also #$@%.
At any rate, making lemons out of lemonade, or in this case, macaroon chunks out of a big waxy mess... Lee and his cousin Mike didn't have any trouble picking off the good bits of coconut-y yumminess. Mike's wife didn't join us in our munching, which is, we figure, the reason she is a size 2 and we are not.
hee hee! hey, can I have that recipe? Just kidding!
perhaps the cookbook writer meant "greased parchment paper" which seems a lot like waxed paper but is different in one key point -- no wax? And who was the publisher and can you SUE THEM??
Glad the guys were able to enjoy anyhow.
Oh man...that's sooo annoying. ~>:o ;) I love macaroons. Mmmm, coconut-y. :D.. I would have definitely been partaking in wax removal and chunky macaroon consumption (and no, I'm not a size 2). ;) tee hee Hope you guys had a lovely Christmas, wax paper aside.
Love ya!
Tee hee- thanks for sharing. I always look forward to your posts! Thanks for taking care of my big bro - even if they were waxy :o)
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