
Belting One Back

Habtamu and I tested and passed our blue/white belt test last week. That's the belt after blue and right before brown. 5 more belts to black belt, but I think we just had our last "easy" belt. Not that we didn't work for it, but from now on the forms become more complex, and we are expected to be better/stronger/faster, etc...

Here are some pics from that day, taken by Yordanos. The batteries in the camera ran out before the actual testing, so no cool pics of us busting boards. We both did the hammer strike.

This was right after I kicked the punching bag over with a flying front kick, and declared I was ready to take the test. It was a bigger bag than the ones still standing. It's kind of a competition between H and I over kicking that thing over. Little kids bounce off it, so you gotta have some weight to actually knock it down.

Habtamu warming up.


Katherine said...

hey, I forgot! I have some pictures too of you and Habtamu. They're probably not great. I have some videos too.

The McEvil One said...

Oooohhhh....did Habtamu finally learn his lesson & decided that stretching is a good thing????

Nitro Krycerin said...

He still only warms up when forced by a black belt or a soccer coach. He just shrugs at me if I tell him to.

Anonymous said...

"Martial Arts". Someday Habtamu may be bigger than you are. Make sure you are better than he is.