

Well, Habtamu finally dropped the "You're not my mother" bomb today. It was at the end of a grueling morning of the grumps, in which I ended up yelling (ok, screaming) and called Lee crying and angry and frustrated. Sigh.

I have never met people who push my buttons so quickly. I've never lost it so many times as with my children. Gah.

When he said the YNMM line, I answered back, "Ah, yes. I've been waiting to hear that one." I wasn't too upset about it. He was also saying he was going back to Ethiopia. I had to refrain myself several times from saying "OK. See ya." I know that sounds bad, and it's not a thought I'm proud of, but there it is. Instead I said, "I would miss you, and this is your home now. I am your Mommy and Daddy is your Daddy, and we love you." I know that's true, regardless of what my head was urging me to say out of spite and anger and frustration.

Thanks to Katherine for taking Yordanos to play for the afternoon... and getting her out of the fray. Now Habtamu is asking that we go get her. Hmmm... missing your little sister?


Anonymous said...

Missing an sympathetic ear, is my guess! Separation, particularly in these circumstances, is a very good thing!

Oy...I feel ya...really!

Katherine said...

Thanks for thinking of us! We loved having her, and the kids were totally excited she was coming here. They all had a great time, and I'm afraid I might have gotten her addicted to the computer. Sorry! But she was so happy doing the reading thing! She can come over here any time!

ABG said...

Yikes. Another experience we're dreading down the pipeline...nice to have you figuring it all out ahead of us, but sorry you had a frustrating day...
Hugs, Ali

Nitro Krycerin said...

I wouldn't have been so calm, except that I read in this blog (www.thebodiebunch.blogspot.com), when a child said that to her, she said "Then why am I putting up with all this crap?"

Anonymous said...

Welcome to parenthood at it's Most challenging moments...we ALL hear similar things..."I hate you" "I'm going to live with Gramma" "You are the worse mother ever" "I'm running away"...etc, etc with your thoughts being the ever popular "Don't let the door hit you..." phrase!! These events come and quickly go...thank the Lord! The good times far outweigh the bad when you look back when they are about to turn 20!!! Can't believe I'm looking at that scenario! HANG IN THERE! Julie Ball