
Baking Cookies

We made yummy ginger cookies for Grandma. They're her favorites...


Katherine said...

I've never heard of ginger cookies before, perhaps you can let me have one sometime (if you have any extra)? That way, I'll know if I want the recipe!

Nitro Krycerin said...

Um, those cookies are LONG gone. Next time I'll try to save you one! They're just an old-fashioned ginger bread cookie.

Katherine said...

Doh! Maybe I can have the recipe anyway?

Anonymous said...

Your kitchen looks so much nicer without a piano in it!!! :)

krazykhrystyne said...

It's like an ad for Abercrombie & Fitch meets Williams-Sonoma! I expect Martha Stewart to come in any second! LOL Looks great and the kids look like they are having fun. Chris M (friend of Apryl & Seth)